Thursday 20 January 2011

Zoo Days

Popped over to Whipsnade Zoo with a friend yesterday. I haven't been to a zoo in years, and can't remember ever having been to Whipsnade, so it seemed like a good day out all round. On the whole it was probably a bit too cold, both for me and the animals, but I got to see all kinds of wild animals up close - Lions, Tigers, Meerkats (don't say it! just don't fucking say it!), Wolves, Chimpanzees (and, yes, I did see one mother imploring her baby to "look at the monkeys!"), Zebras, Bison, various forms of Deer, Penguins... and even a baby Indian Rhinoceros.

The views from near the Penguins enclosure is incredible - a huge panorama which, on a clear day, would be stunning. The zoo is quite high up... Or perhaps at the top of a valley. My geography is crap.

I have some photos from the day, but haven't got them uploaded yet... I shall probably sort that out over the next few days.

Just to make life more fun - I guess - I had a dream last night which involved the appearance of the same certain someone who sent me that Facebook invite recently. She turned up at my old office, and I started introducing her to folks, then popped off to do some work. Adding insult to injury, the moment I finished thinking "I'd better get back to her, just to make sure I'm not dreaming," was the moment I woke up.

Another part of the dream was my first visit to my former boss's new office... I had trouble finding the place the first time, took a brief turn around to look at the layout, then wandered about the rest of the building, before discovering that I'd lost the entrance to the office... So I started heading home, since I wasn't expected to actually be working there.


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