Saturday 8 January 2011

And Back Again

Yes, up and about again already... Slept quite well, eventually, and remember something of a dream for a change. It all started out with myself and a companion on some kind of tour. We were in a viewing room above some kind of facility with large banks of computers and their operators below us. Then someone or something started shooting everyone from the ceiling. My companion and I escaped, along with the rest of the people in the tour group, and were hustled into a kind of roller coaster train. This train passed through the room we'd just seen getting shot to pieces, and the only concession to our safety made by whoever was running the train was that it went v-e-r-y   s-l-o-w-l-y through that room. I was right at the back, naturally, and was looking around for any sign of activity in the room. Just as the last carriage entered the tunnel on the far side of the room, I saw a woman get up from her slumped position, turn straight towards me and go humph... with an unpleasant smile on her face.

Not much more happened after that - bascially, the train followed an improbably spiral track for a while - but I had one of those moments where I realised I was only dreaming just as I woke up, and really wished it had come sooner, so I could have put that knowledge to use within the dream. Oh well.

Anyway. I'm showered, I've had breakfast... all that remains is to decide what I'm going to do with the day...

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