Thursday 13 January 2011


Not sure how much of this is my hangover talking (strange how difficult it is to keep track of alcohol consumed when one's glass is being constantly topped up), but when I offer someone a portion of my spare time in an attempt to help them in any way, I'm very much inclined to withdraw the offer when they say they haven't had time to reply to my email.

I mean, come on, a simple "thanks, will respond more fully when things quieten down" (or, as seems more likely, going by what she said on the subject "thanks, but I'm making plans of my own") would suffice.

And, of course there's the 'other' email... Again, no response, but I have no right to expect one...

I'm actually inclined to eschew any further dinner invitations from last night's crew, on the grounds that, yes, this is what normal friends do... but I really don't consider any of you 'friends'.

Who knows, perhaps I'm just reverting to my hermit-like tendencies.

And it's not as if I got much sleep, in spite of the alcohol - went to bed around 2.30, woke up around 4.30, then got up - please try to contain your surprise - around 9.

I'm feeling exceptionally grumpy. There are things I need/want to do, but I'm not inclined to do any of it... Returning to bed is a tempting option.

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