Sunday 25 January 2009

All too human

OK, forget what I've said about the BBC and genre television.

Or not... You see, Being Human - shown in pilot form last year, and now with a full series running on BBC3 - doesn't quite conform to the usual genres.

It's a comedy-drama revolving around three friends living in a flat in Bristol... It just so happens that one is a ghost, one is a vampire and the other is a werewolf.

Hilarious hi-jinks do not ensue.

I'm not quite sure what to make of it, except that I enjoyed the pilot immensely, and the almost entirely re-cast series opener hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for the concept one little bit. The dynamics are still there (vampire and werewolf trying to lead normal lives while both the normal and the supernatural world provide their challenges) and many of the story strands from the pilot have been kept. It is rather jarring that the only actor who remains from the pilot is the geeky-looking fellow who plays the werewolf (excellent casting, to be honest, as he's the last sort of person you'd suspect of being a werewolf!), so the nascent vampire plot to rise up and take over is being enacted by a completely different set of villains (except perhaps the evil 'sidekick' character... that may be the same actor) and, to be perfectly frank, the girl they got to play the recently turned, somewhat-chaotic-but-clearly-bad-girl is far less attractive - and thereby far less effective - than the one from the pilot.

Still, it shows some promise.

Better than Demons? Well, the writing is definitely far superior. It was filled with some very true-to-life moments of humour, embarrassment and pain... The writers of Demons are aiming in that general direction, but not getting there as often or as effectively. But Demons, by its very nature, is action-driven rather than character-driven, whereas Being Human falls into the latter category.

Oddly, though, it's sparse special effects are better - the werewolf transformation (seen in a few short stages rather than as a whole) is the stuff of the silver screen. Only the resultant werewolf is a disappointment. One wonders if the creature's creator has ever seen a wolf.

All of this waffle does a reasonably good job of putting off the inevitable admission that I didn't go back to the flat today. Again.

In fact, I barely got out of bed today. I spent the morning researching Resident Evil - I'd done quite well, it seems, and only really messed up on a couple of points, neither of which were critical.

After the barest, most minimal lunch I could bring myself to make (read: a sandwich), I went back to bed and dozed on and off till about 4pm, when I surfed the usual websites till dinnertime.

I'd probably be more upset about my lax attitude to finishing my kitchen if it wasn't at its worst on Sundays.
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