Saturday 30 January 2010

Un Jour de Win

Yeah, you could say I've had a day full of win.

It started very well - it's still pretty cold in this part of the globe, but it's been a bright, clear, sunny day. Sunny enough to take the edge off the cold so that, while I wandered about in my winter jacket, wearing a jumper over my t-shirt, I at least didn't have to have the jacket done up.

So, yes, I actually went out today. After doing the washing up and starting the laundry. I know, you're impressed. My shut-in weekends have been interrupted somewhat.

And what did I do in that big, wide, outside world?

  • Got my friggin' hair cut. At long bloody last. Seriously, when did I last get it cut? March 2009? Sheesh. I went to a different place, just by the station, rather than the place below my flat - partly because I'm not so sure I want to support a local business that doesn't believe it needs to pay service charges towards the roof above them, partly because it just seemed a bit weird in there, like they weren't sure why I was there. This other place was larger, brighter, friendlier... slightly more expensive, but kinda worth it for the better atmosphere. I shall probably return to them, or I may try some of the other places locally - there are many.
  • Did some local shopping that wasn't food. There's a neat little shop nearby for fashionable men's clothing. Something in their window caught my eye when I wandered down to the local Sainsbury's after work one evening last week, and I resolved to pop in for a closer look while they were actually open. Rather glad I did, because the pullover is actually all kinds of awesome. Expensive, but I did get a discount on the shirt I bought along with it (which caught my eye as I was paying for the pullover). Downside - they don't take credit/debit cards. Still, they do have some cool stuff for when I'm next in possession of enough disposable income to spend on trendy clothes.
  • Popped into Harrow for 'other' stuff. Originally, I'd intended to see Avatar while I was there, but a friend suggested trying to see it during the week, so I decided to just go for the shopping. As a sidenote, I'm not sure she realises it's 2 hours 40 minutes long but, hey, if we can't see it after work, maybe we can catch it next weekend. I'm sure it'll still be showing somewhere.
    My main intention for shopping in Harrow was to further increase my wardrobe, and to seek out a non-wireless ADSL modem that's compatible with Windows 7, so I can finally get my new PC online and upgrade/register all the software I've installed. Turns out many wireless modems are also Ethernet-capable, so that was far easier than I'd expected - it's virtually impossible to find a modem that is non-wireless.
    After that, I had a quick browse through HMV - having realised that I'd forgotten to bring the list of DVDs I was after - and picked up WALL-E and a Coen Brothers collection - I was only interested in Fargo, but Raising Arizona and Miller's Crossing were nice add-ons.
    My usual clothes-shopping stop-offs, River Island and Next, were frankly rather boring. Both are pretty small branches, though... I don't tend to get many clothes from Harrow. I didn't bother trotting down to Debenhams, even though I'd seen a few interesting garments the last time I visted, as I was beginning to feel the need to rush home and install the modem.
    My first purchase in Harrow - mentioned last for tactical reasons, naturally - was the Legends class Devastator from the Revenge of the Fallen toyline. In some ways, I still think the Supreme class one is better, but this one features properly transforming components... and they're actually not half bad. I wonder if Hasbro might have done themselves better service by making this one larger, improving the detail and poseability in the process, rather than releasing the electronic brick that is Supreme Devastator...

When I got back, I didn't start installing the modem straight away. Instead, I elected to sit and watch another recent DVD purchase - Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God. I'd seen the trailer several times and, having vaguely enjoyed the first movie and having read a positive review of this one on the IMDb, I picked it up for fun.

And fun it is... Kinda. While the original was a big Hollywood effort with some big names, this is a far smaller affair... and seems to be a joint UK/Czech production. Almost all the cast are English, some recognisable from TV roles in the UK, so it was quite thrown to begin with. The main character is played by a guy who's trying so hard to be Ian Glenn it's almost painful to watch, but he's not bad other than that. In terms of production quality (particularly the CGI), it's probably a notch or two below the likes of the BBC's Merlin but, to be honest, far better written. Perhaps the D&D structure helps it. It actually comes across like watching a live-action Role-Playing Game in action, but it's very much a TV movie rather than a true follow-up to the original cinematic release. One to watch on a rainy day, when there's bugger all else on TV.

I completely forgot to pop over to the library and join up... but I'm not without reading material right now, so it's not a massive priority.

Then, getting the modem set up turned out to be bizarrely easy. After a couple of small false-starts (forgot the plug the modem into my phone line, ISP details initially refused), I was - am - up and running on my spanky new PC. Able to watch video online without stutter. Able to download stuff - slightly faster, I think, thanks to a newer modem and the Ethernet connection.

Yay me.

This is perfect timing, considering my laptop recently decided to shut itself down due to overheating, and has been misbehaving quite badly for the last couple of weeks. I'll still need it until I can figure out how to write DVD movies that play on something other than the computer, as the software on my laptop is better than the Windows 7 default movie maker... but I can now shift my attention to the new PC.

How did I last the month without this speed?!

Oh, I know, the occasional venture into Neverwinter Nights. That'd be it.

Sunday 17 January 2010

A Break in the Clouds

Quite literally, in fact.

After a couple of weeks of almost entirely overcast skies, this morning was bright, clear, and almost warm. Hell, I even switched the heating back to timer, having had it on permanently since before Christmas, and even managed to do a bit more photography, having brought more of my toys over from the house yesterday.

The visit to my folks wasn't exactly planned - probably should have been, but I'm terrible like that - it came about through necessity. The zip on my fleece broke somehow over the last week so, on the day I needed it, the zipper shredded the zip teeth as it fastened them. Thankfully, my mother offered to replace the zip, and had it ready yesterday.

I've picked up a cold, as wasn't feeling particularly great in the morning, so I suggested popping over for dinner. It's still very weird going over there - even when I haven't spoken to my folks on the phone, we don't tend to chat much unless I bring up the subject of my niece, or my roof. Even work tends to be a limited subject, no matter how weird it gets, because it's so unlike anything they know.

Kinda reminds me why I want to get out... Quick...
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday 10 January 2010

First Week In

So, thanks to the snow and a disctinct lack of Sales staff, the first week didn't quite go according to plan. My first magazine closed on time, but the last 12 pages are being held over till Monday for one reason or another.

Another Salesperson has walked out and, according to rumour, one of them was escorted from the building before Christmas because she was selling to the competition. Now where have I heard that before? I suspect we all know who introduced her to the competition in the first place, too...

My boss got completely snowed in at home all week, and planned to escape this weekend and stay with her in-laws, closer to town, to avoid the worst of the snow. Haven't heard how that went, so I'm assuming it all went well.

I've not done a great deal this weekend, other than watching almost the entirety of Beast Machines all over again. Still lots of fun, and interesting to see the leader of the good guys painted as a dangerous fanatic...

What little TV I've watched this weekend has involved repeated viewings of a trailer for the straight-to-DVD release of the second Dungeons & Dragons movie (made in 2005!), to be released tomorrow. I may be tempted to pick it up...

Today sees the start of the new series of Being Human... so, not only is it still relegated to BBC3, but it's running on a Sunday evening. Whoever does the scheduling for the BBC seriously needs a kicking.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

And so begin the January Sales

Very modest start to the sales for me: I popped over to Brent Cross with a friend over the weekend and grabbed a couple of new TransFormers: Animated toys - Wreck-Gar and Waspinator. Theoretically, this concludes my TF:A collection... unless Arcee and Rodimus get a UK release. There may even be others... I may yet buy Electrostatic Soundwave - purely for Ratbat - but I have everything I want from the range at the moment.

Work has been dull, frankly, and I started having trouble getting out of bed yesterday morning - the first day back! That place is just depressing. Magazines are getting back on track, slowly, but we're still working with idiots.

One such idiot has just had her final warning, following some extremely dodgy dealings with a couple of clients. Amusingly, later in the day, she was claiming to have threatened to resign.

On the subject of threats... 40 inches of snow? Really? I'd like to see that. I wouldn't be getting out of my flat in a hurry.

Hell, if I do get snowed in tomorrow, I'll use the time to finalise my CV, and start emailing it out...

Saturday 2 January 2010

Culture Clash

Popped off to Uxbridge to view Sherlock Holmes with my old mate today... And I have to admit, it's actually quite good.

That is to say, it's well made. Guy Ritchie has a decent style, and it suited the writing of this film perfectly. Jude Law made a decent - if underutilised - Watson, Rachel McAdam served her purpose as 'The Woman', Irene Adler. Robert Downey Jr. can rarely be faulted on his performance, but his take on Holmes was - I feel - flawed. Rather than expressing a profound disinterest in people, he was just a complete dick... And it seemed to rely far more on the Basil Rathbone-style leaps of logic and shakey deduction than the - sorry if I'm repeating myself - Jeremy Brett's perfect sharpness, arrogance and cold analysis.

The plot was reasonable, but Holmes made no attempt to pour scorn on the supernatural ramblings of the villain, and the story strayed into Verne-inspired science fiction with its chemical bomb. Moriarty has been introduced - Adler's 'employer', keeping to the shadows and bespeaking of at least one sequel.

It would have been an awesome movie if it wasn't pretending to be Sherlock Holmes... as it is, it's a diverting couple of hours of entertainment.

Trailers included Iron Man 2 - which looks to be pretty impressive - and a remake of Clash of the Titans, of all things (sporting what must be the poorest, least imaginitive tagline of all time: "Titans Will Clash". Um. No shit?

Why on Earth remake Clash of the Titans? Better special effects? More contemporary babes? I'm fairly sure they won't have improved the story...

I briefly looked into modems while in Uxbridge, but everything is tending towards the wireless, and routers are more common than modems. I don't need to set up a network, I just need a connection that's Windows 7 savvy... Time to go websearching...


Took the telescope outside briefly this evening, long enough for me to ascertain that...
  1. the sight needs to be calibrated so that it's actually pointing somewhere in the same region as the telescope.
  2. I'll need some help getting started.
Hopefully, the friend who gave it to me will be popping back on Sunday, and I can pick her brains then.

Annoyingly, despite the sunny conditions today, I neither ventured out nor carried on with any photography.

Hopefully I'll do at least one of the above tomorrow... I'm aiming to get in touch with a friend to see if he's interested in seeing Guy Ritchie's interpretation of Sherlock Holmes.

Friday 1 January 2010

Exit Doctor WTF?

We can but hope.

David Tennant's last episode featured more of the grimacing I've come to expect from his performance in the show. I'm glad he's gone... Initially, his take on the Time Lord was bearable, let down more by dodgy stories (I'm looking at you, Russell T.) than anything else. Eventually, he wore very thin. Too shouty, too mercurial (Colin Baker did that better, frankly, and I wasn't too keen on him!), too prone to implausible outbursts of baseless emotion, and too reliant on Deus Ex Machina. His catchphrases - particularly 'Allons-y' - and the frequency with which characters described his as 'wonderful' were too much Russell T., not enough Doctor Who. The series became ever more RTD's love song to The Doctor, rather than being anything like decent sci-fi adventure.

What I objected to most of all in this two-parter is the contrived finality of it all. In the 'Confidential' show that followed, the man who resurrected Doctor Who went to great pains to explain his desire to make it seem like the end, to give the kids of today an regeneration to remember (sorry, I found it utterly forgettable)... Tennant's whimpered final line "I don't want to go" made absolutely no sense in the context of Who, but it might have had an ounce more impact if it hadn't been preceded by about ten minutes of pointless bridge-burning, from Martha and Mickey (being hunted by Sontarans), through Donna, Sarah-Jane and Captain Jack (did I or did I not theorise that Captain Jack would end up heading back to Earth - foretelling a new series of Torchwood, God help us all - after meeting The Doctor sometime this series?) ending up with a visit to one Rose Tyler, the very year she'd meet The Doctor for the first time (neatly causing a bit of a paradox: how did she not immediately blurt out "Oh my God, it's YOU!" when Christopher Ecclestone regenerated into Tennant if she'd already met him, however briefly?!).

And why, if The Doctor was healthy enough to wander back and forth through time for however long it took (adding travel- and 'lurking around, waiting to be seen'-time, a damn sight longer than 10 minutes), would he need to regenerate at all? Oh, the massive dose of radiation he received? The one that didn't kill him instantly, fulfilling the prophecy of his death after 'he' knocked four times?

Good grief.

And were we supposed to be impressed by the 'twist' of who, precisely, knocked four times? Handled properly, it might have been clever... but here it just led to padding.

And, further contrivance, The Master's insanity was caused by the Time Lords sending a signal back in time to the point where he, as a young boy, first looked into the time vortex? And all of this was done specifically so that The Master would bring Gallifrey back from the void after his own - botched - resurrection on Earth? A plan hatched while Gallifrey and all the Time Lords were safely contained outside of time to protect them from the Great Time War? The Time War in which Gallifrey supposedly burned?

This 'plot' was a hideous jumble... A far cry from the Bad Wolf of the first season, which at least seemed to make a strange sort of sense. Clearly Russell T. had been at work on this Grand Scheme for quite some time, but didn't he let someone else have a quick logic-check? Evidently not...

The trailer for the upcoming season - launching in the Spring - held a mixture of promise and worry. The Daleks are back - obviously - so the Cybermen can't be far behind. The brief appearance of the Sontarans must surely herald their return also. The Weeping Angels - referred to obliquely in today's episode - also make an appearance, along with a host of new creatures. And certain parts suggest that, along with the youngest actor to ever portray The Doctor, we may have the youngest assistant ever. Perhaps this is why they chose not to go for an older actor this time round.

Roll on, Spring. Let's see what Matt Smith has to offer... Less of the catchphrases would be nice.

Status Update

Figured I might as well try to get the new PC up and running on the interwebs... if only so I can properly install the Penny Arcade game, try out such delights as the updated Sam & Max, and ensure I'm running the most up to date version of Neverwinter Nights...

Sadly, while my bands are broad, my creaky old BT ADSL modem doesn't like Windows 7. Being fair, every version after 98 warned me that the drivers were not certified for use with them, so it's not a big surprise.

What is surprising is that I have the latest drivers - dated 2002.

Surely there must be newer drivers somewhere?

Of course, it turns out that it's not just the drivers that aren't W7 savvy - just checked BT's Voyager modem site, and it seems the hardware is not W7 compatible. Great.

If it weren't for that, my second post of 2010 would have been made from the new machine, rather than the creaky old laptop. Oh well.

Today was sunny and clear, so I'm hoping to lark about with the telescope once it gets dark enough. More news as it develops...

Strangely Compelling:

Dizzee Rascal rapping to the tune of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit.

No kidding.

Or perhaps it's just past my bedtime :P

And I can't believe that is my first post of 2010. Damn you, Jools Holland...