Tuesday 5 January 2010

And so begin the January Sales

Very modest start to the sales for me: I popped over to Brent Cross with a friend over the weekend and grabbed a couple of new TransFormers: Animated toys - Wreck-Gar and Waspinator. Theoretically, this concludes my TF:A collection... unless Arcee and Rodimus get a UK release. There may even be others... I may yet buy Electrostatic Soundwave - purely for Ratbat - but I have everything I want from the range at the moment.

Work has been dull, frankly, and I started having trouble getting out of bed yesterday morning - the first day back! That place is just depressing. Magazines are getting back on track, slowly, but we're still working with idiots.

One such idiot has just had her final warning, following some extremely dodgy dealings with a couple of clients. Amusingly, later in the day, she was claiming to have threatened to resign.

On the subject of threats... 40 inches of snow? Really? I'd like to see that. I wouldn't be getting out of my flat in a hurry.

Hell, if I do get snowed in tomorrow, I'll use the time to finalise my CV, and start emailing it out...

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