Saturday 2 January 2010

Culture Clash

Popped off to Uxbridge to view Sherlock Holmes with my old mate today... And I have to admit, it's actually quite good.

That is to say, it's well made. Guy Ritchie has a decent style, and it suited the writing of this film perfectly. Jude Law made a decent - if underutilised - Watson, Rachel McAdam served her purpose as 'The Woman', Irene Adler. Robert Downey Jr. can rarely be faulted on his performance, but his take on Holmes was - I feel - flawed. Rather than expressing a profound disinterest in people, he was just a complete dick... And it seemed to rely far more on the Basil Rathbone-style leaps of logic and shakey deduction than the - sorry if I'm repeating myself - Jeremy Brett's perfect sharpness, arrogance and cold analysis.

The plot was reasonable, but Holmes made no attempt to pour scorn on the supernatural ramblings of the villain, and the story strayed into Verne-inspired science fiction with its chemical bomb. Moriarty has been introduced - Adler's 'employer', keeping to the shadows and bespeaking of at least one sequel.

It would have been an awesome movie if it wasn't pretending to be Sherlock Holmes... as it is, it's a diverting couple of hours of entertainment.

Trailers included Iron Man 2 - which looks to be pretty impressive - and a remake of Clash of the Titans, of all things (sporting what must be the poorest, least imaginitive tagline of all time: "Titans Will Clash". Um. No shit?

Why on Earth remake Clash of the Titans? Better special effects? More contemporary babes? I'm fairly sure they won't have improved the story...

I briefly looked into modems while in Uxbridge, but everything is tending towards the wireless, and routers are more common than modems. I don't need to set up a network, I just need a connection that's Windows 7 savvy... Time to go websearching...

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