Saturday 21 October 2006

The End, and yet The Beginning

People have been telling me I should start a blog for ages. I used to have one - of sorts - within my website, but that got cut out for one reason or another. Of course, this didn't mean I suddenly had nothing to say, just that I was no longer throwing it up on the internet for any and all to see.

My 'Ramblings' pages were a bone of contention for some. Most thought they were great, tongue-in-cheek, occasionally laugh-out-loud stuff. Some took personal offense at some of my comments. Some said I was too 'open'... Some took to obsessively reading them over and over again, more often than I updated them.

That's one reason I stopped. Particularly since I worked with one such person.

Of course, I also needed more space to display my growing collection of toys, and I hadn't added to the Ramblings in a good couple of years, so it wasn't a great loss...

But now things have changed, and I feel freer to get back into the habit of writing. Of course, with all the crazy things that have been happening over the last few months, I wish I'd done this earlier in the year, but you can't have everything. Some of the more interesting stories may yet appear, depending on how much I actually have to write about, and how much time I have to write it. Whatever. This has been my first post. More follows...

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