Sunday 13 March 2011

Wouldn't You Know It?

Just about every morning this last week, it's been bright at sunny when I get up in the morning (or lunchtime... y'know, whatever). Today... not so much.

Completely overcast, though not especially dark cloud, and now it's raining... Now I need to get ready to go over to my folks' place for the Family Lunch.

And my hip/backside has been very painful. It's responding well either to the application of my wheat sack, or the ibuprofen I took earlier (meaning no Lansoprozole today). Or possibly both. Time will tell.

I've also turned my matress this morning - I realised it was probably overdue, but I'm not sure it has any bearing on the state of my back/hip/bottom. We shall see, though. When I turned it, vast conglomerations of dust were blown out from underneath the bed. Not so much 'dust bunnies' as 'dust mammoths'. Seriously, I could fashion a convincing beard from all that dust...

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