Saturday 5 March 2011

Couldn't Agree More...

In my random trawlings of the interwebs, I came across this little gem from Slightly Relevant.

All I can say is 'Hallelujah'...

Bad enough that CSI routinely slips into Minority Report/Blade Runner territory for its so-called investigations, but I actually watched the episode of Law & Order: SVU referred to, and was positively insulted by the representation of both games and gamers. Look at what's available these days: aside from the likes of Mario, Sonic, Donkey Kong, etc, how many games still actually use the time-honoured 'level' structure? Sure, there are stages... chapters... sections... but no-one calls them 'levels' anymore, do they? And have RPGs, particularly of the MMO variety, ever had 'levels'

And this idea that sensitive data somehow gets encrypted into a game, so that it can only be accessed by winning?

Um... What if the user actually needs the data themselves, kinda in a hurry?

Seriously, I know logic is not a consideration for most of these writers, but if they're going to come up with sensationalist crap, they at least recognise that some of their target demographic/audience will know more about the subject than they do.

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