Monday 21 March 2011

Being Shirty

Well, after a comparatively busy week and a rather lazy Saturday, I actually made a bit of use of today... though I did only get out of bed after noon, which is a bit crap.

Following the T-shirt idea I had a couple of days ago, I realised I could resurrect some of my old graphic design work for use as T-shirt designs. Retro-looking videogames are having something of a renaissance these days, so my stuff - out of date when it was done - should, in theory, be exactly right for today's market.

The only question is do I sell my designs, or do I attempt to go it alone? In theory, I have sort-of access to a printer capable of printing direct to T-shirts... but, since it's not direct access, no tests have been performed as yet. And there are now three designs I'd like to try...

...With more to come... probably

...I have ideas, I seem to be able to churn this sort of thing out quite quickly on the PC (it was so much slower on the machine it was intended for!) and it's not as if I have any shortage of time. I should probably make the most of the inclination while I still have it...

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