Saturday 12 March 2011


Spent a small chunk of today sorting out my kitchen and bathroom cabinets, following the purchase of more contents for both. They're now in a semi-reasonable state and, perhaps more importantly, my kitchen worktops are now far clearer than they have been for months... in fact, probably moreso than they have been since I properly moved in.

The question, gentle reader, is how long the contents of the kitchen cupboards will remain in the cupboards. I am notorious for "not putting things back". If it's going to get used, it might as well stay out, right?

And I wonder why my home is always so untidy... Sheesh.

Spent another small chunk of the day playing Muramasa: The Demon Blade on the Wii... I've probably mentioned that it's by the same folks who created Princess Crown on the Saturn, one of my favourite import games which I will get back to playing eventually, once I figure out the best way of getting my hands on a converted Saturn.

Muramasa is, in spirit, Princess Crown 3... though obviously it has a far more Japanese setting, and much of the artwork seems to be straight out of Japanese paintings. I originally started playing it as Momohime, since her character model is so much cuter than Kisuke, and kind of reminded me of Galadriel from Princess Crown. I've now got to the final chapter of her game and so, rather than 'complete' it straight away, I figured I'd give Momohime a break and start playing Kisuke's game. Considering how fluid it all is with a heavily levelled-up Momohime, Kisuke's early battles seem like a real chore. The first boss took way longer than it should have, simply because I'd grown used to having it easy. Low stats and low-powered swords make a hell of a difference with my lackadaisical play style.

I also made a start on yet another writing project... yes, I know, I've got about a dozen on the go already. This one is different... far simpler... and it's as much an art project as it is a writing project. Basically, it's an illustrated kids' story about a cat. I have the whole story planned out (which makes a change, considering the idea only occurred to me a few months ago), and much of the narrative is already written out... I just need to fill in a few sequences and then...

...Start drawing...

After I decide how it's going to look, of course.

Considering I worked with a few illustrators during my time in publishing, I was half tempted to ask them to quote on doing the pictures... but I have a vague idea of what I'm after, and I'd be doing myself a disservice if I didn't at least try to illustrate my own story.

This was probably the 'busiest' day I've had in a long while... I didn't do everything I wanted, but I got some constructive work done, rather than just arsing around on the interwebs.

For a change.

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