Thursday 3 March 2011

Recurring Themes

Had another dream about burglary last night only, rather than being set in my own home, this one was back at my folks' place.

Strangely, while I was in the lounge, sifting through one of the cabinets, I was able to observe - somewhere behind me, so technically in the hall - a group of about 4 youths who were clearly watching what I was doing. What I was doing, at the time, was moving my toys about, putting my Wii away and moving my computer out of sight, because I was going out.

My parents (and sister... so this dream was set many years ago) were already out, so I seemed to want everything to be nice and secure. Perhaps we were preparing to go on holiday?

In any event, I did everything I could, then left the house. I have no recollection of what happened while I was 'out' but, upon my return, I immediately knew something was wrong. A quick glance into the lounge (a curious mixture of my own lounge and that of my parents in terms of both layout and content), I noticed that it had been stripped bare - all my toys gone, the Wii and the computer also removed, cupboards open and empty, or just plain missing. I have the weirdest feeling that the Saturn was still on my coffee table, but couldn't swear to it.

I found an envelope which contained what appeared to be a removals invoice - as if we had requested that the house be burgled and the contents moved to the address provided... But the name of the company and certain other details were very definitely Polish, while the group of youths were very definitely not.

When the rest of my family returned, I presented the 'invoice' and explained that we'd been burgled while I was out, but the first reaction was to try to contact the removals company and explain that there had been a mistake (either in the 'collection' or the delivery address - I'm not certain). Once that option was discounted, a sense of apathy descended - there was no point trying to do anything about it.

Not exactly uplifting...

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