Thursday 17 December 2009


Yep, it's snowing.

Not that much, by the looks of the world outside my window, but London doesn't need much snow to go horribly wrong.

My last press day of 2009 is due to be tomorrow, and things are looking pretty good - there was a concerted effort to get as much as possible signed off today (both Editorial and advertising), so we're in reasonably good shape even if the weather does muck everything up tomorrow and we have to push the deadline back to Monday.

Mind you, a little snow in town could easily mean a hell of a lot out where my boss lives... So there's a very large chance she won't make it in, even if the rest of us do. While the state of play is such that we're unlikely to need her heavy artillery, it's always good to have it around, in case of unforseen circumstances. And the forseen ones that just go terribly wrong, as late sales are wont to do.

I'm hoping it's actually not cold enough for the snow to settle well - that's certainly how it looks right now. The roads aren't even slushy, they're just wet.

Mind you, since the magazine going to press tomorrow is one from the South office, it may be that their staff can't make it to our office (possibly even their own), so even if my team and I can get to the office, there might well be very little for us to do.

On the way home tonight, I popped into Westfield. This was mainly to investigate getting a Mac for Christmas. Having looked over the options, and asked the advice of my Mac-phile boss, I'm starting to think that perhaps I might be better off with a new laptop after all. It really does look as though my brother-in-law isn't going to get round building the desktop PC I asked for as a birthday present, and a laptop would be suitable for my needs... I was just kinda hoping for something different.

Macs, meanwhile, may be sleek and stylish... but they are still ridiculously expensive for what you get. Shame, as I quite liked the idea of the generally-better-reliability offered by Apple's machines.

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