Sunday 8 August 2010

Weird Dream Weekend

It's not that often that I remember enough about a dream for it to be worth documenting, but this weekend has been particularly vivid.

Friday night's dream revolved around a serial killer who left written messages for his victims before (possibly several days before) he killed them. An old friend of mine (who I have not been in contact with for a good few years) called me out of the blue, to say she'd had such a message. Here's where it gets a bit hazy, because the message was the fridge magnet poem I came up with at my sister's place, but with two lines substantially altered. No idea what they were - for some reason, I couldn't even read it in the dream - I just saw that two lines were much longer than they should have been. It also becomes less clear if that was the message he left my old friend, or whether he'd also left me a message. Either way, next thing I know there are a couple of guys moving into a tent where the mezzanine staircase for my flat should have been. And the geography of my building was different because I could see it from one of my windows - bathroom or kitchen, not entirely sure... it was as if they'd switched places. I became convinced that one of these guys, or possibly even both - grey haired, but quite heavily built - were the killer(s)... and that their victims were those they became obsessed with, and yet felt neglected or ignored by. That's about all I remember from that one...

Last night's was something of a return to familiar ground. I have been having tooth trouble in real life, so it's no surprise to have dreams relating to my teeth. In this one, I got fed up with the wobbling of a couple of loose teeth, and so pulled them out. The first one came out cleanly and, in fact, revealed that the reason behind its looseness was another tooth pushing through from above. The second one, however, seemed to pull a giant clump of fleshy root with it. The tooth actually seemed far too massive to be one of mine, but I guess that's dreams for you. I prodded at the 'root', and it squirted blood at me. Nice.

So there I was, wandering around with a couple of gaps in my teeth - nothing too visible (although, according to the dream, at least one of the pulled teeth was a canine) but it certainly affected my speech. Towards the end of the dream, I was wandering along the lane to my parents' house and saw a group of three blokes about my age, larking about on the grass like teenagers. As I passed one of them, he called out to me, and asked if I recognised him. I really didn't, and yet I knew who he was (he looked nothing like he does in real life - none of them did - but I 'knew' who they were because an old schoolfriend (in real life) once told me that he looks terrible now) so I let him introduce himself, and his two friends. One I almost recognised, but the other was a caricature of the real person - like something out of one of those horror movies where the 'monsters' are actually in-bred humans. The family of one of them lives down the same road as my folks, so I walked along with him, catching up - mentioning that I'll be made redundant at the beginning of next year - and leaving the other two behind.

My headache from yesterday has cleared... shame the same cannot be said of the pile of washing up in my kitchen...

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