Saturday 28 August 2010

Cinematic Pilgrimage

Just to start with, I'd like to say that Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is an awesome movie. There's no pretension toward art, it's just good honest fun with a massive dose of zaniness and many levels of relationship story running right the way through. It may well join my collection of Feel-Good Movies.

The special effects and playful nods to videogames throughout provide an amusing framework - the 'level' structure is very apparent, with a frequent on-screen occurrence of numbers foreshadowing the next battle, and sequences from the comic books turning up in place of traditional flashbacks.

Definitely on the 'strongly-recommended' list...

And yet, I almost didn't go to see it today. I woke up feeling OK, but rapidly developed the kind of headache that gives me the chills. I took a dose of paracetamol and went back to bed fairly early in the morning, then got up again around noon and took some ibuprofen as the paracetamol hadn't done anything.

It wasn't really till very shortly before I actually went out that the headache started fading, but it did start fading quicker once I was out in the fresh air and warm-ish sunshine. I was still feeling a little unsteady until after lunch, at which point all seemed to return to normal bar the occasional twinge.

While out, I acquired Disaster: Day of Crisis for my Wii... having played it briefly this evening, I've found it a little frustrating due to the need to more ambidexterity than I'm generally capable of, and the awkward-but-typical Wiimote gun aiming. Camera movement seems very sluggish, making movement overall a bit hit-and-miss... but it may improve the further I get...

There are few other old-ish games that I'm going to try to pick up, having initially discounted them due to poor reviews... having seen they played on YouTube, and having already picked up some lower-scoring games and found them perfectly reasonable, I reckon it'd be worth trying more... as long as I can pick them up cheap.

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