Sunday 22 August 2010

Another Sunday Headache

Not sure what it is about Sundays - whether I'm not eating properly/drinking enough on Saturday, staying up too late, sleeping in too late, or possible just caffeine withdrawal - but I do often wake up with terrible headaches that just don't want to shift.

Today, I have just such a headache. It wasn't even that bad when I woke up, but it's certainly been getting worse. It got to the point, around lunchtime, that I was very hungry, and yet my head was pounding... After taking some paracetamol and having a brief nap, the headache had receded enough that I could consider food. Normally, eating with a headache is just asking for a vomiting session later on, but my stomach was rumbling and I felt that I should take the risk.

I headed out and grabbed myself some takeaway from the nearby KFC, dashed back home, and gobbled it all down. So far, so good. Headache still present, but seems to be improving... it probably won't be gone for a good while yet, as I'm also feeling a little feverish.

Of course, the way this usually plays out is that I'll be feeling unwell one way or another for the rest of the day, but be right as rain for work tomorrow...

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