Sunday 22 August 2010

I Have Located My Watch

As my headache started to clear, I decided to catch up on the housework I still haven't done... Sort of. I've prepared a load of laundry but, frankly, it was too late in the day to actually start it going. And, whilst separating out the clothes I'm going to wash (tomorrow, after work, I guess), I found my watch nestling amongst the undergarments. God only knows how it got there... maybe I'd put it in a shirt pocket before putting the shirt into the laundry...

I still haven't done the dishes.

So what did I do?

Well, I've thrown away much of the Auto Assembly cardboard - the Bruticus Maximus component cardbacks and a few other bits - and several larger boxes from previous purchases, including Battle Ops Bumblebee, Leader Class Starscream and Voyager Payload. That's probably my largest load for the bins in quite a while... and it does mean I actually accomplished something this weekend, even if the rest of my housework is likely to have to wait till next weekend...

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