Friday 12 November 2010

Following The Application of 'More Cowbell'

I refer, of course, to the Saturday Night Live spoof of Behind The Music, featuring Blue Oyster Cult... in which Legendary Music Producer Bruce Dickinson (played by Christopher Walken) exclaims "Guess what? I've got a fever! And the only prescription... Is more cowbell!"

Yesterday, I thought I might be fit for work today but, this morning, I saw different. I didn't feel terrible, but it was quite clear that going out into the cold, catching the tube, and spending 8 hours in the office would not be a clever move.

Right now, I'm feeling fairly good... still getting the occasional coughing fit, but my head has mostly cleared up and all the aches have gone. Apart from those caused by all the coughing, of course. Even my nose seems to be clearing up.

My appetite still isn't back to normal, though... I tried eating yesterday, and couldn't finish. Same deal, so far, for lunch today.

In my more active moments since yesterday, I've played a bit of Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions, finally completing the first level, and moving on to the choice between alternate realities. Noir seems pretty cool, its emphasis being on stealth in a way no other Spiderman could ever manage. Haven't tried the others yet, but too much of that sort of thing is still making my head spin at the moment. The only bits I'm not liking - apart from all the web-swinging - are the first-person dust-ups with the bosses. I'm not convinced that they add a great deal to the proceedings, other than a close-up view of your enemy's mug as you batter it...

I truly hate being ill. Sure, it's a welcome break from the office, which is sick in its own special way, but I can't really do anything. I've got stacks of washing up to do, the flat seriously needs vacuuming and a massive tidy-up, but I'm being even more lazy than usual...

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