Saturday 9 June 2007


My two latest TransFormers acquisitions arrived on Friday, and both are pretty darned cool. For whatever reason (sudden burst of creativity?) I'm thinking a bit more seriously about updating my website or, at least, the collections section. There must be a way of doing what I'd really like to do... It's just a matter of learning how to do it.

Which may, as it happens, turn out to be a dangerous thing to do, because my employers are/were looking for an in-house technical person, proficient in HTML, CSS, etc. to take over the technical side of administering our myriad websites. Frankly, I don't want that person to be me... And having the required skills and knowledge may tempt me to change my mind having turned it down already. The company seems to have a talent for treating its assets shabbily. At the Annual Report presentation last week, much was made of the wonderful profits made by the company as a whole, and particularly by our little branch... No mention was made of the fact that these wonderful profits came at the expense of our payrises.

But anyway. New toys.

Energon Slugslinger is the same hopelessly overcomplicated mold as the TFCC exclusive Airazor. All the photos I've seen of this model made it look pretty garish. In person, his white is actually light grey, and the violent green is actually quite sludgy and vaguely translucent. Overall, bizarrely, his colourscheme seems quite balanced. Transformation, as one would expect, is identical to Airazor, with all the same quirks and bits that don't quite fit. Nevertheless, Slugslinger is one of the more imaginative models to come out of the Energon line... It's just a shame he never officially made it to the UK.

Superlink Shadowhawk Cosmic Type is essentially a blue repaint of Shadowhawk/Divebomb, exclusive to Japan. Despite its simplicity and quite obvious 'Robot Head Is Bird Form's Tail' syndrome, I'm rather fond of this model. It's very well articulated considering how it transforms and, aside from a very strange-looking robot head, looks great in either mode. I bought this largely because of its rarity and because it is FAR cheaper than second-hand buying the 2006 Botcon repaints as Buzzsaw and Laserbeak, so this one mitigates my feelings of terrible loss :P

Now I'm off work for a week, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the time. Normally, when I book holiday, I'm at a loss for things to do unless I'm actually going away. I really don't want to waste this holiday loafing around at home. I know I want to get my hair trimmed, and I'd also quite like to pop up to Uxbridge one day in the week to see what The Entertainer has by way of TF Movie toys (Deluxes, I'm hoping, and possibly Leader class Megatron). With the news that there will be Gen 1-inspired repaints of some characters (if not all!), I'm going to have to plan my purchases a bit more thoroughly, and not go in for impulse buying. To this end, my (current) shopping list is:

Optimus Prime



2008 Bumblebee

Real Gear
Spy Shot 6
Power Up VT6
Speed Dial 800

Zoom Out 25X
Booster X10

Gen 1 Repaints

Other things may get added as they're announced. I'd love to see a Leader class Blackout (with or without Scorponok), and I'm keeping my options open on the Ultimate Bumblebee model... but that should do me for the moment.

There are plenty of other things I could do. My folks have invited me on one of their little day trips on the Wednesday, assuming the weather holds. I may take them up on that, or I may try to find other things to do 'outside'.

If nothing else, I'm now very behind in my collection photography, and need to think about reorganizing my shelves (again) to incorporate the movie toys. It's possible that we'll be doing a bit of cupboard clearance in the spare room... We shall see.

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