Tuesday 19 June 2007

Back to work

And was pretty fed up with it within a couple of hours, frankly.

Small magazine, but took till 7.15pm yesterday to get it finished. Designer says "Blame last week's mammoth magazine", but then it turned out he'd redesigned half of this magazine against Group Production Manager's instruction and despite the Editor's assurance that the redesign wouldn't be as extensive as it actually was.

They're a frustrating bunch. Always trying to get one over on you, one way or another.

In the Good News column, though, my boss has been treating me to an after-work tour of London's branches of Toys'R'Us, in search of TF Movie toys. Yesterday was Hayes (nothing new), tonight was Watford, where I snagged Wave 2 Voyagers Ironhide and Starscream. Too late to go into detail on these... Probably going to wait till the weekend.

The short version is: They're cool.

I'm also being treated to a week of small, extra birthday presents, the first being a small, easily portable kite. Perfect for safely channelling out those feelings of frustration and murderous rage brought on by the rampant stupidity of others.


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