Thursday 14 June 2007

Getting into gear

As is the way of things when I take time off, I go through four stages of thought:

1) "I haven't quite realised I'm on holiday yet" (Saturday/Sunday)
2) "Hell's bells... A whole week away from work? What am I going to do with all this time" (Monday/Tuesday)
3) "Uh-oh... I'm halfway through my holiday, and I haven't done anything yet" (Wednesday)
4) "Oh, nuts... Holiday's over. Back to work, then..." (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

It's almost amusing to see myself go through this each and every time. I really should put together some kind of itinerary for all time off work, so I've got things to do, or goals to achieve. Something.

OK, Monday wasn't a total waste, but I only went toy shopping. The fact that I also came back with my mother's Christmas present for this year and a few more DVDs is neither here nor there. I could have bought some new clothes, but it seems that some of the more interesting shirts I own already are too distracting for work, so I was a little reluctant. Some of my older clothes are in desperate need of retirement, though...

Yesterday, boredom and frustration hit, so I did nothing but bum around on the internet, wondering why there's never any toy news on a Tuesday, why the webcomics never update on a Tuesday, and why everything I did find seemed so very boring.

Today... Something clicked and, while I wasted the entire morning, and a good couple of hours of the afternoon, I did eventually start doing things. OK, nothing of Earth-shattering import, but I was doing things.

I dragged out the Saturn and fired up Panzer Dragoon Saga again, reaching my first encounter with Atolm and Azel (and dying, largely because every time I fired up the Vengence Orbs, Atolm warped behind me, and hit me with his lasers BEFORE Azel commanded him to use Berzerker Rage, thus utterly wasting the effects of my Orbs. The git). Then, realising that the light was fading, I put my white boards on my chair and photographed my newest acquisitions. Finally, after dinner, and as the sun disappeared below the horizon, I decided to add some paintwork to my Movie Megatron, bringing it a little closer to the pictures on the packaging.

My folks went off to Regents Park Zoo this morning, took loads of photos, and then found themselves unable to retrieve them because the cameras they took - little 'spy' cameras - won't switch on, even when connected to their computer. Awful luck, considering they reckoned on about 70 photos, if I remember correctly.

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