Sunday 24 June 2007

Rain, rain, go away...

There's something decidedly odd about summer rain.

Not that it's unusual in any way... Not in this country, anyway. It's just odd that, during what should be the days of clear skies and sunshine, we're overcast by dark broody cloud that suddenly lets loose a pelting rain.

Glad I wasn't out in it.

Kind of a depressing weekend, even without the rain. I'm having one of those funny turns where I have things I should be doing - getting my hair cut, doing some writing or sketching (photography is out because the weather has messed up the light) or even just reading - but whenever I try to do something, I get drowsy... and the moment I start feeling drowsy, I can't do anything.

And when I can't do anything, I get listless.

And when I get listless, I start eating when I'm not hungry.

That's one really bizarre thing about me: As long as I have something keeping me occupied, I can easily forget about eating because I don't feel the hunger. As soon as I get bored, I start shovelling food (OK, I mean biscuits, jaffa cakes, sweets, whatever I can get my hands on that isn't really 'food') into my gob like it's going out of fashion, whether I feel any hunger or not.

On the upside, my computer seems to have settled down now that automatic updates are off, I've found a couple of cool auctions on eBay that seem to be going my way (so far - both end tomorrow evening), and I've found a website that has episodes of Beast Wars for download. I only ever caught a couple of episodes of the original Mainframe BW TV series and it's still not available on DVD, so this is particularly fortuitous. While it was clearly aimed at kids, what I've seen of it so far is not condescending in the least. Fun, not entirely serious, but it doesn't talk down to its audience. Hell, one of the good guys is openly and frequently insubordinate... and yet still likable. One can only hope the live action movie fares as well...

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