Thursday 26 July 2007


I'd just like to mention that I'm wearing a jumper.


In the summer.

Anyone else think this is strange?

The problem most people seem to have with the concept of 'Global Warming' is that they fully ignore the 'Global' part and get tripped up by the 'Warming' part. Global Warming doesn't necessarily mean the whole planet becoming uniformly warmer. The weather systems are far too complex for that. I don't pretend to know nearly enough about this planet to come out with a solid argument, but when European weather systems take such a dramatic hit from Global Warming that the weather front that would normally give us a pleasant summer suddenly dives much further south, leaving us with high winds and heavy rain, I don't suddenly go into denial. Sure, it's odd... But it just proves how much we don't know about this planet we're happily messing up.

So anyway, I woke up with a headache this morning. I'm blaming it on two things. First and foremost, I've obviously not been drinking enough water while I've been off work. I've been grabbing a bottle from the fridge every time I feel thirsty, but that's clearly not as often as I need. Second, this freaky weather is really bugging me. My body seems to be very sensitive to temperature changes because I can get a headache through being out in the sun, then going into an air-conditioned building. Going back out just exacerbates things. I'm feeling these very strange chills around my stomach and ankles (?!) which often precede and run alongside this kind of headache.

I've managed to tidy up a little, to the point where I can see my desk again... but I still have piles of paper to sort through and, for the most part, discard. Should probably get onto that soon.

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