Sunday 17 June 2007

33 and a day

First things first: The Birthday Haul...

From my folks, I got the TF Micron Legend (aka Armada) Scourge, based on the deluxe-sized Optimus Prime mold, so now I have that same model in black (Scourge) and white (Universe Ultra Magnus). As with UM, he has exactly the same Mini-Con as deluxe Prime, but it's such a poseable model, I don't mind. Plus, there were so many Mini-Con repaints, it hardly notices.

From Helen & Mark, I got Art Speigelman's 'In the Shadow of No Towers', his unique documentary on 9/11, along with reproductions of cartoons, political and otherwise, from the early days of comics. The version I have is a much smaller format to the one I saw in the States when it first came out, but it's still printed on board rather than paper, making it a weighty book in more ways than one.

From my old mate Paul, I got a really cool Flash Gordon t-shirt which I have been instructed to wear to work...

And from my boss, I got a day's course in stonecarving, which resulted in 'Sleepy Cat':

This started its life as a much simpler idea - basically a blob with ears, a couple of paws and a tail sticking out, which I would have called 'Blobby Cat'... but, as I chipped away, lots of details started popping out. The strange thing is that I finished this earlier than anyone else finished theirs... but then, I'm probably the only one who has blisters.

For the last few minutes, as I write, I have been observing something rather odd. Over the road, a small child dressed in a tiger costume (well, tigerskin hoodie with ears and a tail) has been hiding behind a garage at the back of the garden my bedroom overlooks. Just goes to show that some children haven't forgotten how to play...

When I started writing, I'm sure there was much else to relate... but likkle tiger kiddy has distracted me and I can't remember any of it. Oh well...

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