Monday 11 June 2007


It was kind of worth visiting Uxbridge...

TF Movie Leader Class

Optimus Prime

Yes, that's one more figure scratched off my shopping list. Leader class Megatron is... Strange. Not the most posable, not the best looking and, in comparison to Leader class Optimus Prime, all-round not very good. But as an exercise in transferring the movie's CGI model into three dimensional toy form, it's not terrible. The electronic lights and sounds add next to nothing and, had they not been included, the toy might have been marginally better.

Almost sounds like I already regret buying it...

The Entertainer had a much smaller arrangement of movie stuff. They had a good proportion of what was available at Toys'R'Us, but on a much smaller scale - no more than the usual shelf space has been devoted to TransFormers, and the crappy knock-offs are still pegged in there with the movie stuff and the few remaining Cybertron models. It's tempting to pop down to Kingston sometime this week, as their branch of The Entertainer is larger... and right next door to Shakeaway...

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