Saturday 13 November 2010

You Know You're On The Mend When...

...You actually get a good night's sleep for the first time in about three days.

...You no longer look like you could play the part of a cadaver on CSI without any makeup (if only you could stop the shivering).

Seriously, I've never been a bronze god (contrary to the opinions of some old friends), but I was pale to the point of translucency only a day or two ago. Now I'm back to my normal, natural warm pinkish complexion. What a difference it makes to sleep well!

Now I have to start eating properly again... and I'm going to start quite slowly. Since I've barely eaten since Tuesday, stuffing my face is probably not the best move right now. Made myself a fried egg sandwich earlier, and shall be having something salmon for lunch.

Speaking of which... it's kinda lunchtime now... why the hell am I blogging?

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