Monday 20 April 2009

Curses, USB Hub!

Well, that was a little strange.

For no obviously discernible reason, my powered USB hub died this evening. I was in the middle of doing some laundry, happened to glance over at the computer, and found an error message telling me that an item of USB hardware had failed, or could not be identified.

Um. Well, it seems to be the former.

I spent a couple of minutes plugging in and unplugging various bits and bobs, concluding that, if each bit of hardware works when plugged directly into the computer, it's pretty certain that the problem is the hub.

That said, it's still giving out power... just no USB connectivity.

Darn it.

Oh well. I needed to get a new one anyway - preferably a USB 2.0 hub, since my computer continually complained that every bit of hardware plugged into the old hub would "perform faster if attached to a USB 2.0 port".

Work wasn't great... things seemed a little slow for 2 days before press. Part of me welcomed the quiet, part of me feared for tomorrow. I won't be in work until I know what time my shelving is arriving at the flat, and there are a few scary blanks on the flatplan. One of my counterpart's magazines, due to go today, has now been put back another week or so... largely, it seems, because the Commercial Manager got hammered at a stag night over the weekend.
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