Saturday 11 April 2009

Life at the Flat

Had a very weird dream overnight.

First part involved a waterpistol battle... me with the old-style manual-firing gun, my opponent with one of these new-fangled things with and electric pump. It started in a flat not unlike mine, but ran out into the street, ending up outside one of the shops. Again, possibly not unlike my local environs, but kinda from the wrong angle.

The next part - where it gets really weird and rather disturbing - returned to the flat, but in a completely different, leafier area. There was scaffolding outside, but my father needed to do something on the roof, further up than the scaffolding went. To facilitate this, he'd brought his own wooden ladder along, to balance against the railing.

While the ladder looked solid enough when carried, when he planted it on the uppermost platform, the feet folded and bent, making it look completely unstable. Nevertheless, he leaned it against the railing (as in 'scaffolding set up to be handrail') and climbed to the end... which was balanced on nothing.

I figured, at best, the ladder would eventually slip, and he'd fall to the ground, but my father went one better than that. He jumped up for something I couldn't quite see, and missed the ladder entirely on the way down.

The last thing I saw before I woke up was his rather slow (but nevertheless heavy) landing on the grass below.

The Easter weekend has been a mixed bag so far. I decided to stay at the flat all day yesterday, in an attempt to do some of the chores I'd put off for too long. Ironing, for example.

Let's just say that it got done... eventually... but my ironing skills haven't really improved over the years. And the ironing board is rather inadequate. And dusty. Probably should have put the cover in the wash.

I did two loads of washing, and set them drying out in the bathroom, which wasn't too complicated.

My plan to do a bit of sketching was scuppered when I realised I'd left all my pencils at the house, and any plans I had to do some writing just didn't get off the ground. I went food shopping, and ended up not getting one of the things I was after. Not because it wasn't available but because, by the time I saw it, I was at the checkout. Some shop layouts aren't exactly helpful.

Watched a bit of TV... including a movie from a few years ago called Stormbreaker while I was doing the ironing. I realise it was based on a kids' book but... well, the idea of a computer mogul deciding to kill all British children because he was bullied in school by a boy who went on to become the British Prime Minister seemed more than a little far-fetched. Not to say just plain stupid. Furthermore, if one wished to do such a thing, there are surely better ways than to manufacture thousands of computer systems, impregnate them with a (biological) virus, and then convince the government to put at least one of these supercomputers - named 'Stormbreaker', for no readily apparent reason - in every school in the country.

And all because he was bulled as a child, for being the only American in a posh British school.

Also watched the first part of a Red Dwarf special - Back To Earth - which, frankly, presented me with ample reminders as to why I lost interest in Red Dwarf. The special effects were not bad... but most of it seemed so utterly pointless. Not least the introduction of a new character, replacing Kochanski (deceased, I guess... I missed the first few minutes) and, if she has her way, replacing Rimmer as well. And she has a joke Russian accent, for no obvious reason. Red Dwarf, theoretically, should be a decent comedy about the loneliness of the last ever human, trapped on an enormous spacecraft with only a hologram and a highly evolved cat (both male) for company... What it tends to be is a loose collection of jokes and references to Sci-Fi movies, none of which tends to be very funny.

Managed to catch another episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles... and I'm still kind of enjoying it, but I wonder where it's going. Cameron appears to have developed a defective hand (lethal to pigeons) and a few personality glitches (and may have decided she loves the young John Connor), and the mish-mash of supplementary characters seem to end up killing each other eventually. Shirley Manson as a Terminator disguised as the top dog at some big corporation is patchy - sometimes a little too robotic, sometimes not quite enough... but either way, the Scottish accent is jarring. And the 'big bad' Terminator from season one, Cromartie, is stuck in a basement, wired up to the mainframe, being taught the value of human life..? I'm sure it's going somewhere, but who knows where?

Looking at my Broadband usage, I'm either going to need to cut down on my internet usage, or buy a better package... I'm already 1/3 through the 10Gb montly allowance! OK, I'm also about 1/3 through the month, but that's cutting it rather fine.
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