Thursday 30 April 2009

Sortin' things out...

Well, I think I can truly say I've moved in now, having dealt with my first spider at the flat.

And, yes, when I say 'dealt with', I mean crushed... and then swept up, because the strangely intact corpse fell all the way to the skirting board (behind the newly-erected hall shelves!).

I was actually surprised it's taken so long to find a decent-sized spider in this place. All manner of insects have been and gone, but arachnids have been strangely absent.

In other news, I have just started to notice that cooking instructions invariably give a different temperature for fan-assisted ovens. This probably explains why most of my early attempts with the oven have led to burnt chips. Oh well. Now I know.

Work is rather crazy, but actually better than it has been recently. My magazine for tomorrow is still about 3K off target, but has less that 4 pages worth of space. It may not be pretty tomorrow.

My Father's birthday is this weekend, so I'll be popping over there for lunch/dinner on Saturday, and delivering what I still think is a seriously cool birthday present, even if it does basically encourage smoking. On Sunday, I shall be venturing off to see the Wolverine movie. I hear it's a bit crap... but anything has to be better than the Marvel Comics Origin story.

Or I hope so, anyway.
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