Tuesday 30 September 2008

Ticking along...

OK, so we weren't completely screwed today.

My unwell designer was off again, but saw her doctor and now needs blood tests. These are being postponed so she can come into work tomorrow.

The designer who was admitted to hospital was still there today, pending test results... I honestly don't expect to see her this week.

My designer with the recently-broken arm has been told she may never recover full flexibility in her left arm, but since she's young, she has a fair chance.

My boss came in shortly before lunchtime and left just before 5pm, but is aiming to be in tomorrow, to see the magazine out.

Theoretically, I'll have a full house, and tomorrow's magazine isn't looking terrible. It helps that it's small...

Watched episode 2 of Merlin this evening... The trouble with much of today's genre television, I feel, is that it's created by fans of the genres, who are well versed in the conventions of those genres. And so they follow them slavishly. Merlin, so far, has used clichés and stereotypes, and presented us with predictable, one-dimensional villains-du-jour. OK, it is only episode 2... but if they're recycling material already, it doesn't bode well.

Oh, and didn't they establish in episode 1 that Merlin didn't need incantations to make magic happen? So... why is he now using incantations? Is this how he 'learns' to control his power?

The setup for what looks to be a love triangle between Merlin, Guinevere and Arthur is very clumsy, and I hope they do something interesting with Morgana the Eyecandy sometime soon. Hell, I hope they do something interesting with the whole darned concept sometime soon.
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