Tuesday 23 September 2008

Other plans

OK, how weird is it that my parents are currently spending more time at my flat than I am?

I know, they're not only footing the bill for most of my furniture, but they're putting it together and installing the wood floor and I should be grateful. I am, truly.

But when I'm trying to make sneaky plans, and actually have the opportunity to make those plans happen... until my mother announces they're planning to stay at the flat later and then probably eat out so they can get as much as possible done before Thursday (when they're away) and the weekend (when I'll be making some kitchen decisions), it can be more than a little frustrating.

Equally so when they tell me first that the one day the window people can't have to redo the kitchen is the Thursday they're out of town, only to decide to hand over the keys so they can do the replacement window on Thursday.

What is going on?

Should I blame the kitchen designer and his comment about 'only entertaining every other night'?
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