Sunday 7 September 2008

Skipping the backlog

Managed to get Animated Soundblaster into an almost finished state. Still not entirely happy with the coverage in black or the consistency of the flourescent yellow, but it works reasonably well.

Since it's something creative, I decided to take a few quick photos, mainly to post them on the Collectors' Club forum, but I may as well stick some up here as well, just to prove I am doing something with my time...

Animated Soundblaster rocks out!

Vehicle mode, with Buzzsaw mounted on the roof.

Soundblaster and Soundwave play duelling guitars, in an attempt to determine once and for all whose rock is superior.

Despite his small size, fairly floppy knee joints and limited shoulders, he's actually quite a dynamic figure. Having the vehicle mode in black did start me thinking of the van from The A-Team. My thought process then led me to the next most logical line in Hasbro's TransFormers Crossovers line: The A-Team Transformers: A-Team Van/B.A. Baracus, Corvette/Face, Helicopter/Murdoch and Jeep/Colonel Lynch/Decker.

Somebody please stop me. It's all so very wrong...

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