Saturday 29 December 2007

Supply and Demand

There's a very strange force at work...

Whenever I realise I want something, or could make use of it, it's nowhere to be found, however common it was when I couldn't care less.

Deciding I don't want it anymore doesn't help either... This strange force knows it's a bluff.

And so it is with a couple of TransFormers Energon figures - Rodimus and Ravage. I don't even want the figures, really, it's the weapons I'm after. I had the rather cool idea of giving Movie Starscream a couple of afterburners for his robot mode and discovered that E-Rodimus's handgun was the perfect fit (if you know where to plug it). A couple of those, with a coating of the right kind of paintwork, and he'd had a spiffy pair of burners. The missile is a flame, too. It's a no-brainer.

But Rodimus is nowhere to be found... So I had another brainwave - E-Ravage has a decent looking cannon (not the homage to G1 Megatron's fusion cannon - the other one, with the spring loaded missile) which would have the same size of peg. I tried it for size and, sure enough, it looks passable. Not as good as the gun from E-Rodimus but, hey, any port in a kitbashing storm, right? And E-Ravage was a bit of a shelfwarmer, on account of being rubbish, right?

Well, yes... up until I wanted him.

Heard from my old mate Paul yesterday, suggesting either shopping or catching a movie for Sunday... Sounded like cool idea at the time. Sounds even better now - my mother just asked if I'd be interested in coming along to a Sunday Lunch (99% certain it'd be in a pub) with her mother. I swiftly replied that Paul had suggested going out. Safe! (I think)

I mean, really, it'd be in a pub (that 1% uncertainty suggests it might be a case of popping over to mother's mother's flat), it'd be typical, dull pub food, crap conversation - most likely a rerun of all the conversations I had with my grandmother on Christmas/Boxing Day (apart from the 3am one *shudder*), and lots of trudging around in the cold. Not exactly my favourite combination, or anything to look forward to. At least with shopping, I could end up buying some cool stuff at post-Christmas sale prices... and at least with a movie, I'd be going out to see a movie. Hell, if Paul and I can manage both, that'll be even better.

Part of me really hates that I dislike being with my family this much. My grandmother is old, she has Alzheimers, and she's probably happy to see any and all family as often as possible...

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