Saturday 29 December 2007

A Day of Small Accomplishment

So, yes, I stayed at home.

My folks left sometime after 8am and, a couple of hours later, my sister phoned to ask if they were on their way yet, mainly to give her an idea as to when she should start cooking. By my reckoning, they'd have been most of the way there by then... possibly not, if Mother's Mother was in tow.

I spent my day reading (finished The Power That Preserves, book 3 in the first Chronicles of Thomas Covenant), doing more TransFormer painting, watching more Beast Machines, watching the TF movie, and even doing a bit more writing. Not much, nothing very substantial, but something that needed to be done.

As well as some writing, I had a quick read - towards the end of today - of some of the older stuff I've written... Things that have been 'on hold' for several years. Most of what I read was still hitting the right notes... even though so much of it was very telling of what was going on in my head at the time. One of these days, I really hope to focus on the writing, and make some headway with it.

I also - by strange coincidence - partook of more alcohol today than any other day so far in this festive season. A glass of Pimms, and a nice mix of rum and ginger ale. Not sure why I chose today to get into the alcohol... other than just not liking drinking around my folks.

Right now, it's storming like crazy outside... As usual, I'm feeling a draft... but for the most part, I'm just glad it's not so cold that we're having a blizzard rather than a rainstorm.

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