Wednesday 26 December 2007

Boxing Day Blog #1


Over the last couple of days, I had some rather cool ideas about one of the characters I'm trying to write about... Nothing that would make a story, but certainly several details to flesh things out.

Today, I figured I'd write some of it out while I remembered it because I so often forget these little pieces of the puzzle. I didn't do it when I first got up because - for whatever reason - sitting at the computer early in the morning will often upset my stomach and, with Mother's Mother staying over, I knew there would be hell to pay if I ended up occupying the bathroom before she was up and about.

So it was past 11.30 before I started making any moves, and after midday before I started up the computer. No worries... I still remember it all...

During this time, though, my sister and her husband had arrived. My sister, being a pest, decided to pay me a visit (because I wasn't already downstairs). Being nosy, her first move was to examine my monitor and, seeing it was something to do with this character of mine, started asking questions and generally distracting me from my purpose.

I wasn't particularly welcoming, and eventually she got the message and left... but not before completely befuddling just about every thought I'd had by reminding me of stuff that's at least a couple of years out of date. What a brilliant start to the day.

And to think, I was looking forward to her visit... and had bought her a present intended to help with her writing.

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