Monday 4 April 2011

Pedestrian Developments

More work progresses on the pavements outside my flat. The little island on the outside of the sliproad is still not finished, but the subtle re-sculpting/repaving of the main pavement is complete at one end. This morning, they have started taking up the pavement directly outside, rendering the ground floor shopfronts temporarily inaccessible...

They appear to have sunk the pavement more or less in line with the crossing, so perhaps this has been an exercise in improving wheelchair accessibility? This would make sense if it weren't for the fact that the re-sculpted parts have not been sunk - there is still a raised kerb.

Hoping to make a bit of headway today in a couple of new T-shirt ideas... Depending on noise levels from outside, and whether or not I get round to the shopping... I'm currently debating which is more important. Sketching is best done in daylight, but I really should restock and empty my bins.

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