Thursday 14 April 2011

Driving Ambition part II

I did find my old Provisional Drivers License, pretty much exactly where I had expected it to be... and it was even in one piece (surprising, considering how folded up it was), unlike my father's when he came to update his earlier in the year. Still, when I return it, I'm supposed to cut it in half, ensuring it's completely unusable, so it'll end up like that anyway.

Having dealt with the application to update online, I was nevertheless surprised to receive in this morning's post the form I need to sign and date to complete the application. Even more surprising was that, while I asked them to take the photo and signature from my up-to-date passport, I'm required to supply both again anyway. I guess this adds another level of identity protection, but it seems a little daft.

My first thought was that I should have a couple of photos - of the physical kind - left over from my passport update, but a quick call to my folks revealed that they're not stored in their files, so I've either disposed of them (which wouldn't be a surprise, as they're not exactly flattering) or stashed them away somewhere sensible at home. There are only a couple of locations I might have used, so determining their availability shouldn't be too hard... and if I don't have them, I can just pop down the road and get a new set done.

In other news, I've not been up to much of late, but have started getting back into the idea of playing games on the Wii when I have nothing better to do. I recently completed Kisuke's game in Muramasa: The Demon Blade and, earlier today, tried to do the same with Momohime... Sadly, while the former only has to do battle with an aged Shogun, his awesome sword, and the flocks of ghostly warriors at his command, Momohime has to do battle with a god and its two guards. None of them have life bars (at least to begin with) so I was unsure of the plan of attack. Eventually, the game fills you in, and instructs you to knock out the two guards. This removes the ward from one of the god's limbs, allowing you to attack that while the guards recover. I managed to slice up three of the many parts... but the floating platforms you have to negotiate are way too small and fiddly, and I was virtually dead before I figured out what to do, so I didn't get much further.

After that, I turned my attention to Metroid: Other M, which I found very awkward when I first picked it up. The controls aren't that intuitive (for me), but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I've also looked into Epic Mickey, to see how one defeats one of the bosses in Future World and, in doing so, discovered that I've missed a whole load of other stuff... Oh well. I'm getting pretty fed up with the camera angles in that game, as they become glitchy rather more frequently as one progresses through the game, and slip into fixed perspective just when I don't want it.

Ah well...

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