Friday 6 June 2008

Phase Two

While I got off to a later start than I'd have preferred, I have accomplished all the flat-related stuff I set out to do today.

With the new bank account set up, I have closed two sets of savings and had the balance transferred to the new account - one in the form of a cheque, the other electronically. Both should be cleared by the end of next week, if not sooner.

Of course, progress is still in the hands of the solicitors, and it transpires that the information my solicitor is waiting for has been posted by the vendor's solicitor, rather than faxed.

In other news, while it's been reasonably sunny, I have managed to do a fair bit of photography, so it's only my laziness that has prevented either website updates (yawn) or images popping up in here. Let's see if I can change that today...

I have one or two other tasks to which I should attend, but I may be able to drop some pictures by later...

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