Tuesday 20 February 2007


One thing I forgot to make mention of yesterday is the TransFormers pop-up book my friend/colleague found for me in a charity shop. Now, personally, I love pop-up books of all kinds simply because of the complex engineering that goes into making them 'pop-up' (and, let's not forget, do all kinds of other clever acrobatics). To have found a TF book that's in very good condition (bar the missing cut-out models) was pretty special. My favourite pop-up book (which I'll have to go searching for now I've remembered it) was based around the movie Tron, and featured some incredibly clever cardboard tricks. Other noteworthy 'pop-up' items in my strange collection include the poster that came with the limited edition Saturn version of Cyberbots... it features Mech-Gouki facing off against the robotic octopus piloted by Devilot, in the sea, with a couple of people in a dinghy in the mid-ground.

Really must give pop-up book making a try one weekend... must be a fascinating job.

In other news, following my lucky find of Classics Jetfire at TRU yesterday, I arrived home today to find that my order from the TFCC had arrived. Landquake and Skyfall are molded largely in transparent red and blue plastic, with opaque red, blue and grey making up the rest. Landquake is a repaint of the twin-barrelled tank mold from Bruticus Maximus, Skyfall is the plane loosely based on the A10 from Superion Maximus. Each comes with a lenticular card which is, at once, a certificate of authenticity and a profile for the character. Skyfall's shows his transformation in three stages, while Landquake's somehow manages to be 3D. Overall, for $20 a piece (approx £10 at the current exchange rate) they're both bargains.

I also snagged an Armorhide, to repaint as Huffer. Strange that I should have to order from overseas for a 'Scout' class figure... but he was always impossible to find in shops over here, either because he was short-packed, or because he's actually an extremely cool model... or a combination of both.

That's always assuming he was ever released over here... which isn't entirely certain.

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