Thursday 5 June 2008

Phase One

One quick visit to the bank later, I have a new account set up to be my collection point for the deposit. My initial question was whether one of my existing accounts was suitable. When the Customer Services woman said "Ooooh, that's an old account" I knew the answer was basically 'no'.

They were quick to offer an alternative, however, and equally quick to get it set up. Not only that, but the first amount has already been transferred, so the beginnings of my deposit is ready and waiting.

The next step would be closing one of my other savings accounts. I phoned up that bank and told them what I was intending to do (minus the details about it being for a flat purchase... I shall scream the very next time someone asks me "Do you have a mortgage?"), and was told that I'd have to get my bank to close it for me. They have to write the letter informing the savings account provider that I'm closing their account and wish to transfer those funds into this new account. Being done by snail mail, that'll take about a week.

The good news (if one can call it that) is that I had a follow-up call from the Estate Agent asking if my solicitor had received the remaining paperwork. I cheerfully informed him that they had not, so the Estate Agents are going to bother the vendors solicitor again.

Fun and games.

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