Thursday 30 September 2010

Of Cankers

It's a funny old thing... Seems the crossover to the new Production system has been going so well for my employers, they may actually be fast-tracking the remainder of the offices. We learned this week that we will not be required to return to work after Christmas - the February magazines will be handled from head office.

Good luck to them, I say. I can still see the entire business collapsing inside of two years.

I have mixed feelings about the early push-off. One the one hand, I'm glad I won't have to motivate myself into one final month after a Christmas break. It means I can start 2011 afresh, leaving my heartbreak and baggage in 2010.

On the other hand, they're taking my magazines away from me a month earlier than they'd said originally. I could have sworn I had the January date in writing, but I've not been able to find anything to that effect so far.

Then again, it hurt that they're taking them away at all... changing the dates ain't going to make that much difference.

I finally got back to my GP recently, since my throat problems are still present. I reeled off the same list of symptoms, with the addition of the fact that Pantoloc Control (I know, it sounds like something you'd wear for incontinence, but it's an acid suppressant) has had a hugely beneficial side-effect, and she seemed to think that I'd diagnosed myself very well - it appears more likely that the stomach problems have aggravated my throat than my throat problem simply coincides with the excess acid. Thus, I was prescribed a month's supply of another acid suppressant... and, having taken my first dose this morning, I'm quite pleased to find that the results have been just as quick and just as beneficial as Pantoloc.

Of course, the prescribed drug is used predominantly in the treatment of ulcers...

...But ulcers were not mentioned by the GP in my consultation...

...But plenty of people have suggested I might have an ulcer for one reason or another...

So, who knows? Maybe I have an ulcer?

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