Sunday 5 September 2010

Recipe Time

Or not, really...

I just had a daft idea for a quick feed this evening. Having stopped off at a McDonalds on Friday, and had a Filet of Fish (oh, good grief, Maccy-D, just give it the extra L and call it a bloody fillet... no-one is fooled by your poncy Franglais), I popped out today to replenish my stocks of fish fingers, and bought some processed cheese and a pack of buns. Three fish fingers got slammed into the oven, tartare sauce (picked up another time) was liberally spread on the top half of a bun, with a slice of processed cheese on the bottom half. Thirteen minutes later, three fish fingers were slapped into the middle.

Upon reflection, a second slice of cheese may have been a worthwhile addition (it's not exactly the strongest flavour) but, overall: Tasty. Quick. Reasonably filling. Great to eat when there's something reasonably funny on TV.

On a related note, I watched Hot Fuzz for the umpteenth time earlier this evening... It definitely stands up to repeat viewings thanks to an all-round excellent cast, and makes me wonder when Simon Pegg is going to do another proper action role, rather than just being token British guy in an action movie. Star Trek (reboot) 2, perhaps? Scotty Kicking Some Alien Arse?

Not a particularly constructive day for me... or was it? After all, I finally did all the bloody dishes that have been begging to be washed for about two weeks now (why did I not go for a dishwasher?), and finally put up a pair of prints my boss bought me ages ago. I'd been debating for far too long where to put them, but the best ideas were always either putting them each side of the painting in the lounge, or putting them at each end of my hall.

I went with the latter in the end, and I have to say it was the right decision... The two prints are related - a cat is sleeping, and a mouse is passing in front of it in one, and behind it in the other. One print now shows the mouse wandering casually in front of the cat, toward the lounge. The other now has the mouse tippy-toeing behind the cat to get into the bathroom.

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