Monday 15 June 2009

The Approaching Storm

I sit here, in my lounge, sensing a change in the weather...

My boss warned me earlier today that a storm was expected this afternoon, but the day so far has been flawlessly bright and summery. I popped over to Uxbridge to do some shopping (breadbin, kitchen scales, pedal bin for bathroom on the practical side... and a whole bunch of TransFormers on the impractical side... and now that I'm thinking about what I bought, it occurs to me that I didn't pick up writing paper, envelopes or stamps for posting off the cheque for my annual ground rent... Bugger) and the sunshine was everywhere. A truly lovely day.

Now, of course, it has clouded over almost completely, the gusting wind is getting stronger, and there's a slight chill in the air... Which does definitely suggest a storm on the way. Something tells me it's still a couple of hours away, but I may close my windows sooner rather than later, to avoid any trouble.

Today's new recruits in my collection are all from the Revenge of the Fallen line - Deluxes Wheelie, Skids and Rampage, and Human Alliance Bumblebee - having got one for my boss, I figured I might as well have one for myself. The girl who served me in The Entertainer (who must surely have been working there in her lunch break from school) confessed that she was quite looking forward to the movie, despite the usual 'Big Summer Event Movie' mixed reviews. I agreed, and added that at least the Generation 1 nuts had shut up now.

It occurred to me shortly after that she may have had no idea what I was talking about...

Tomorrow, I shall head over to my folks for Birthday lunch, and probably deal with the cheque-accompanying letter while I'm there... I may also try phoning Harrow Council again, to try to get my new bin (bugger - I forgot to pick up number labels as well!), since my attempts this morning failed due to a strange phone problem that only occurred when I tried to phone Harrow Council. I managed to speak to the Managing Agents and to Southern Electric perfectly well... But Harrow was crackly and unintelligible. I'll try them again tomorrow morning, and then, if it's the same from my parents' house, I may give BT a call to report it... even if it's not my line that's the problem.

I've even managed to work through the best part of my week's To Do list just today... even if I have added to it by buying more toys... That's pretty good, for me.

And how lucky is this?: I started closing my windows just as the first spots of rain started falling... and there's a huge, dark cloudbank heading in now.
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