Wednesday 25 February 2009


As I write, I'm listening to the second part of the second Penny Arcade D&D podcast, with its special guest player Wil Wheaton.

I found myself thinking that Mr Wheaton sounds essentially the same as he did back in the days of Star Trek: The Next Generation, when he played Ensign Wesley Crusher...

...but about three octaves deeper.

That is to say, the way he speaks remains unchanged... the mannerisms (Wil Wheaton mannerisms, not Wesley Crusher mannerisms) are the same but, when his voice broke, it dropped a hell of a long way.

Today at work was particularly insane. Apparently one of my editors has been complaining about the designer who does her editorial. This is nothing new... but what she said put her boss in fear of asking this designer to make changes yesterday. When he finally plucked up the courage, he was startled only by how polite and helpful she was.

He really shouldn't have been startled by that. Not only is this editor known for exaggerating how rude other people are to her, but she is know for underplaying how rude she is to them. Everyone knows this. It's even been pointed out to her, but it just doesn't sink in.

Her assistant is just as bad, too.

She also complained that our new recruit/Maternity cover designer is "the best", and that she felt she should have him working on her magazine. My boss pointed out that what she and her pointless assistant really want is their designer's predecessor. He used to fawn all over the editors, make them tea, do very little work on ads (and, frankly, very little work on Editorial either) and generally do whatever they wanted, never voicing an opinion of his own if it differed significantly enough from theirs.

In other news, I've inherited a complete shitstorm with the web stuff, purely because the recently-redundant web guy was let go two and a half months before his notice period expired, so there was no crossover with me (as I was on holiday), let alone training. I'm having to figure out what he used to do and how as I do it (normally my favourite method, except when it leads to me being badgered for things I already know I cannot deliver). I think I've got part of the backlog solved... but I'm really not sure.

I guess I'd better stop blogging and go check.
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