Wednesday 1 August 2007

Third time lucky?

Speaking of harsh.

The first time I saw the new TransFormers movie, it was after midnight in an uptown London cinema with a shite sound system. I thought it was good, but not great, and missed much of the robot dialogue because of the sound problems.

The second time I saw TransFormers, I went a bit 'Film Critic' on it and, while I enjoyed it more because that cinema had a better sound system, I found it lacking in plot, what plot there was had a significant number of holes, too many events got glossed over (Jazz died? Bumblebee could speak? Which Decepticons actually survived that final battle?) and there were too many redundant characters.

Well, I've just seen it for the third time and, yes, it's not the greatest movie EVAR... but it's a hell of a lot of fun and, as sheer spectacle goes, I doubt anything will top it for years. Or at least until the next TransFormers movie.

Earlier today, I had a bit of a brainwave. Frequent readers will remember that I was (ahem) rather impressed by Beatmix Bumblebee, the non-transforming, semi-animatronic, interactive music speaker. A previous post also revealed that I have ordered TransFormers Music Label Soundwave (Spark Blue, for those who are interested... the white one shouldn't be called Soundwave at all... A black version might be called Soundblaster, but a white version? 'White Noise', perhaps, but not Soundwave). If I plug them together, I'll have the ideal photo opportunity for TFML Soundwave to have BM Bumblebee at gunpoint, saying "I have you now, Autobot... Now you shall dance to MY tune!"

I'm already planning to grab loads of Soundwave speech samples to upload to his Mini SD card (once I buy one... and a reader!) to break up the music (that'd be pretty mental on shuffle, if TFMLSW has such an operating mode but, if not, I can improvise), so that'd be pretty funny... I may even make a movie out of it...

OK, I'm a geek. Surely I've mentioned this already?

I also had one of my weird 'conversations' with characters from this rambling bit of fiction I'm occasionally attempting to write... The last one was four months ago, so that's still no sign that I'm getting back into gear. If I can figure out what triggered it (if anything did trigger it, that is) perhaps I can encourage a few more of these outbursts... but, right now, my mind is fried with all kinds of work crap, making it rather difficult.

You'd think two weeks off work would help me relax and unwind... oh no. Not me. Mr Tension. Mr Work-a-flaming-holic. I really do need to get out and do something...

Which is probably why I got that uncomfortable twinge when my folks mentioned that our local Scout group was looking to recruit helpers. My sister's husband has jumped in with his pack (right in at the deep end, last I heard - straight into organising camps, etc!), perhaps I should seriously consider doing something similar.

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