Sunday 12 August 2007

More time wasted

Well, all I can say is at least I got my hair cut this weekend. It's back to being "30 seconds to wash, 30 seconds to dry" short, which is kinda how I like it these days. It really is unfathomable that, in my mid- to late-teens, I grew my hair down to my backside. These days, I can't grow it past my ears without it getting annoying. Seriously, when it's that long, I wake up in the morning, it's a total mess, and I can't do a damned thing with it.

Other than that, I've not really accomplished anything great this weekend. Not even a simple bit of writing I'd promised myself, largely because I just ain't in the mood anymore.

I also decided against popping back to Toys'R'Us, having been there Friday night and seen boxes marked "Generation 1 Soundwave" sitting around, waiting to be unpacked. I guess having a 20-odd year old, genuine Generation 1 Soundwave and now TakaraTomy's Music Label Soundwave kinda puts a dampener on going to any effort (getting on a bus? Effort? What's wrong with me?!) to get this Hasbro commemorative reissue. If I'm going to consider it, I guess I should compare it to the TakaraTomy Encore version before I come to any decision.

It seems that the downloadable episodes of Beast Wars are back... and completing season one, if I'm reading it correctly. Must make some room on this PC of mine and get them downloaded and burnt to DVD. I honestly wish someone would get on an release the series on DVD properly and officially, rather than as the seemingly random collections of episodes on the US DVDs I've seen around... but these downloads will do in the meantime.

Back to work tomorrow... And I need to check into my holiday dates, because it seems my next week off is fast approaching, so I'd probably end up wasting it. If I can postpone it for another couple of weeks, perhaps I'll be in a better frame of mind for making use of time away from the office.

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