Saturday 4 August 2007

Blue skies and sunshine

Yesterday's trip to Late at the Tate turned into more of an 'Arrive at Late at the Tate, get drink, get sausage-inna-bun, sit and watch young and trendy types while wondering what's actually happening at this event, go looking, find programme, find very little of genuine interest, clear off elsewhere' sort of trip. We ended up playing airhockey near the Park Royal Vue cinema, then dropping into Starvin' Marvin's for a milkshake before calling it a night.

Of course, there was another significant point about it - it was, apparently, two years to the day since the our last visit to Late at the Tate.

I'm told that next week at work shouldn't be too bad - my Monday deadline should be simple enough and, frankly, I have the better team, so work has been done.

Even so, I'm pretty much dreading going back there, not least because there's a large chance that the senior management want to hand the entire web project to me now that the editor who was running it has dropped it in favour to taking up a second magazine whose editor recently quit. If that's their plan, they're going to be rather disappointed when I inform them that the task has grown to the point where is well and truly beyond me now so, unless they're happy to wait 6 months to a year for me to get up to speed, they'd better hire someone with the relevant skills, who can hit the ground running.

Still, they should easily have the money, now that they have 3 Sales Managers running two magazines each, and two editors running two magazines each.

On the upside, while I didn't go out or do much this last fortnight, I did get a fair bit of repainting done on my TF Movie toys. So far, I've added to Leader Class Optimus Prime, Leader Class Megatron (though still far from finished with that one!), Deluxe Jazz, Deluxe Barricade and Voyager Ratchet... I'm going to have a go at Ironhide next, though probably just adding a little detail, rather than the quite extensive work I've done on the others.

I've been looking out of my window since about 10am today, and I still haven't seen a single cloud. Considering the torrential rain and flooding of a couple of weeks ago, that has to be a good thing. Finally, we have Summer.

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