Monday 30 November 2009

Of Leaks and Good Fortune

It's very rare that one can consider oneself fortunate in the midst of a domestic problem such as a leaky roof but, if one were to have a leaky roof, there are few better places to have a leak than directly above one's shower.

This is precisely what I have.

It has probably been building up steadily over the last few weeks of intermittent heavy rain, but the actual 'breakthrough' of grimy rainwater filtering through the roof and down to my ceiling happened overnight between Sunday and today (erm... yesterday now, looking at the time).

I've been in touch with the Managing Agents, who are going to try to get the roofers to do a patch job, as the actual refit of the roof is still some way off. This probably won't happen as soon as I'd like, as this is exactly the time of year that they'll be busiest. The ground floor shops have refused to pay their part, so the landlord is now planning to stump up for half the cost, and make up the rest in Service Charge... I am conferring with my solicitor on this point, as it seems like (a) the soft option and (b) a little unfair. If the roof were to fail significantly, they'd suffer just as much as the tenants of the flats.

But hey. At least I didn't get the bathroom refitted this year.

In other news, today's magazine - the first of the January issues - went to press a touch before 6pm. Not bad... but it didn't hit its target by a long shot, and was about 8 pages lighter than it could have been, had the Sales team worked as hard on Friday as they did today. Next one for me is Thursday, so I have a bit of breathing space in which to sort out the web ads.

So, not really 'breathing space'.

Oh well.

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