Sunday 30 August 2009

Just Visiting...

My mother sent me a text message during the week, inviting me to pay a visit over the weekend. Since my plans were woolly to say the least, I suggested popping over for dinner today.

Which I did.

And it's probably very sad, and very telling of my relationship with my family, that these visits are becoming less frequent and more uncomfortable all the time. I'm not even sure what the problem is... But whenever I go over, all my folks are ever doing is lounging around reading or occasionally watching TV. It's hard enough to start a conversation, and damn near impossible to keep it going for any significant length of time. They say they'd like to see me, and that's pretty much all that happens. Sure, I get a meal out of it, and for that I'm very grateful... but it's not even as if I'd told them all the news from work on the phone.

Perhaps they "don't want to pry" and are waiting for me to tell them all about the amazing things I don't have time for because of my ridiculous job... I certainly fill them in on the stupidity of the Salespeople, the complications of the new system, and all manner of other work news.

I ended up deciding to leave shortly before 9pm, grabbing a few bits and bobs from my old bedroom along the way.

Overall, it was crushingly dull and I suspect that's part of the reason I forget about visiting for the most part.

Still, this coming week, my sister is popping back with the baby, for another checkup at Great Ormond Street, and I've been invited round for dinner on Thursday. That might be a bit more lively.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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